These are a series of images that, usually, I find rather daunting to present. I have never particularly taken a liking to such personally attached work, exposing certain aspects of myself that have often remained behind closed doors.
In phrasing that still pushes me out of my comfort zone, I have suffered from anxiety and a depression linked as such for a while now. Frustrating as the condition is itself, the more frustrating aspect for me in my photography, and previously my fine art projects, has been the overbearing impact that such conditions can have on the mind, and further, the changed way in which people view you. 
During 6th Form, and indeed my year in work since, I have often been known to be impeccably - one can say excessively - dressed, when the occasion calls: this has lead to many conclusions being drawn that I am a character of sound disposition. I was known by many to be an avid reader and collector and restorer of fountain pens: an eccentric personality on the outside in many cases, I suppose.
However, of course, behind everyone's veneer there are aspects of character that we hide. In the past, certainly, I admit to having a large problem with drinking - the person I was in this instance was in a stark contrast to the professional, if eccentric, manner in which I wished to be perceived. Of the two images below, I like to think there is shown somewhat the process of degradation in character, from the bright, more professional looking headshot above, going to the darker and moodier image directly below, where I may still be wearing the same formal clothing, but clearly it is much less of a professional look, finishing with the final image on the right, with the least professional integrity being shown.
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