Throughout my Fine Art studies, and indeed, beyond with my own personal photoshoots, I have always remained fascinated with the idea of decay. Indeed, within this word, there are so many ways in which one can look: for example the causes of decay - natural and human, or indeed the constant nature of conflict between nature and mankind, that has produced, for example, decay to the natural world with Climate Change, or simply the effects of rust - an implication of Nature fighting back to reclaim and restore natural equilibrium.
I think there is a certain beauty in the acts of natural forces on Man-made structures; the slow processes of erosion or oxidation over time remind us of the ever-present, ever-potent power of the world in which we inhabit, and should remind us, as is suggested in Genesis, that we are here to be Shepherds of this world, not Owners. Without the Religious implications, this still remains prudent - with the degradation apparent in the world today, it is important that we remember to respect the World in which we live, as it is this which gives us life. Consequences, also, are clearly in store if we continue to act as if we own the World and everything in it, the most worrying and broadly felt of which would be Climate Change
Still, I maintain it is important - and rather more pleasant - to think of the harmony there can be had between the Natural World and Us, its inhabitants: another area I have a deep interest in.