I have left the images on this page until last - in a way, to bookend the rather downcast impression created by the first couple of themes.
Hope is an incredibly powerful construct, and one that remains potent and necessary in the climate we find ourselves in today. From personal issues to more Global ones, regardless of the hurdles and struggles we face along the way, I still believe it is important to keep up hope. Without hope, we lose purpose, and without purpose we become unable to achieve the dreams we once hoped for.
With these images, I have tried to show the importance of keeping hope however dark the situation may be - this is a key theme in Tolkien's writing and he has been a huge inspiration for me. The idea of Light fighting against Darkness remains now as it was then, potent as ever.
From the top, the idea of hope can clearly be seen with the blue sky and the bright tones of the grasses in summer. Further, one can also see the church steeple protruding from the treeline, for those with the disposition toward Faith.
In the centre, again Faith remains a key proponent, though equally I wanted the tones of the sky, the clinging on of colour even at the dusk of the day, to further implicate at this sense of Light always fighting back, keeping up hope.
This bottom image, to me, remains the most potent, however. The idea of a light in the darkness offers one the sense that even in the bleakest hour, the darkest, when things may seem the most desperate, there is hope still with that Light, that not all is hopeless.